Resvinol - NPP1

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ResVinol® Resveratrol – The Resveratrol Plus Ingredient
nature verified by science®

ResVinol® provides concentrated levels of trans-Resveratrol with the added health benefits of red wine polyphenols, combining the benefits of both of these compounds into one premium product.
ResVinol® is standardized to contain 25% trans-Resveratrol and 20% Red Wine Polyphenols; and each gram has the resveratrol content of 350 glasses of red wine.
ResVinol® is now selling extremely well in both exclusive (internet) markets, and in mainstream mass markets. This popularity has been driven by television news shows, and continued press coverage featuring resveratrol and the benefits of red wine polyphenols.
The polyphenol content of red wine has significant antioxidant activity, and is known to provide cardiovascular support, a key ingredient associated with the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Products using this blend of red wine polyphenol with resveratrol can thus make S/F label claims for this benefit.
ResVinol® is manufactured from 100% natural ingredients: the root of Polygonum cuspidatum, and concentrated red wine polyphenols (Vitis vinifera). The relatively low per-kg cost for a resveratrol product allows significant customer benefits at an excellent value, and the inclusion of the red wine polyphenols allows for label claims of cardiovascular support.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol present in over 70 species of plants, including many fruits and vegetables. Growing numbers of in vivo studies show the extensive therapeutic benefits of Resveratrol including free-radical absorbing activity possibly responsible for its ability to extend the lifespan of various mammals. Red wine and grape polyphenols are potent antioxidants with beneficial cardiovascular effects. [1-6].

Recommended Dosage: 320mg

[1] Delmas, D., et al. (2006). Resveratrol as a chemopreventive agent: a promising molecule for fighting cancer. Curr. Drug.Targets .7(4), 423-42.
[2] Joseph A., et al. (2006). Therapeutic potential of resveratrol: the in vivo evidence. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 5 (6), 493-506.
[3] Joseph A. B. et al. (2006). Resveratrol improves health and survival of mice on a high-calorie diet. Nature, advanced abstract available on line from
[4] Haneke, K. E. (2002).Trans-Resveratrol: Review of Toxicological Literature. National Institute of EnvironmentalHealth Science. Research Triangle Park,North Carolina. Contract No. N01-ES-65402.
[5] Falchi, M., et al. (2006). Comparison of Cardioprotective Abilities between the flesh and skin of grapes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 6613-6622.
[6] Shanmuganayagam, D., et al. (2002). Grape seed and grape skin extracts elicit a greater antiplatelet effect when used in combination than when used individually in dogs and humans. J. Nutr. 132, 3592-3598.

• ResVinol® is a proprietary extract which provides concentrated levels of polyphenols and trans-Resveratrol.
• Standardized on the most biologically active trans-isomer.
• Contains full range of bioactive compounds found in red wine.
• High potency: one gram of this extract has the resveratrol equivalent to 350 glasses of red wine.
• Cost effective: the relatively low per kg cost for a resveratrol product allows significant customer benefits at an excellent value.

Verified by:
Manufacturer & Product Qualification Program:
·         3 On-site manufacturer inspection & GMP audit
·         3 Product development and sample approval
·         3 Manufacturer test method validation
·         3 Raw material traceability verification
·         3 Product safety assessment
·         Complete U.S. Quality Verification:
·         3 Botanical I.D. (NIR)
·         3 Active and marker compounds
·         3 Adulterant screening
·         3 Microbiology
·         3 Heavy metals (Prop 65 Compliant)
·         3 full pesticide screen (FDA/USP)
·         3 Solvent Residues
·         3 GMO and Non-Irradiation status
·         Ethical Naturals Testing and Quality Assurance Program
·         Guarantees Product Safety and Integrity
·         From Field to Finished Product®
·         All testing performed at independent or ENI internal laboratory facility.
·         Detailed SOPs and methodologies available upon request

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